Andrea Pazienza Award @ Premio Libero Bizzarri
"La Ricerca" has won the Andrea Pazienza Award at the 30th Libero Bizzarri Award.

More good news for La Ricerca... The documentary featuring Luigi Lineri has won the Andrea Pazienza Award for the creative use of images at the 30th Libero Bizzarri Award.
Here are the motivations of the Jury, composed of Francesco Bizzarri (Jury President, General Director of the International Visioni dal Mondo Festival - Milan); Markus Nikel (International Advisor Rai Documentaries); Domizia De Rosa (President of the Women in Film, Television & Media Italia association); Claudia Pampinella (Director/Producer); Arrigo Benedetti Ciampi (Television Director and Writer):
"Giuseppe Petruzzellis' film is a lunar film. A visionary journey where the director manages to bring inanimate objects to life through the voice of Luigi Lineri, who has been pursuing a very personal research for sixty years. The shots, the cinematography, the soundtrack and the editing are tools used with skill and talent by the author, who has the courage to break often-abused narrative patterns and unleash a personal poetics of great visual impact and storytelling."
And here's the director's comment: "I thank the organization of the Award and the Jury for this important recognition. I want to share this merit with the people who have substantially contributed to the audiovisual structure of the film: composer Nicolás Jaar - author of the original soundtrack, director of photography Michele Brandstetter de Bellesini, editors Carlotta Cristiani and Valentina Andreoli, Lisa Fierro - who, in addition to being the co-creator and co-producer of this project, collaborated on artistic supervision, Elisa Campagnaro and Mauro Martinuz - creators of an animation present in the documentary, sound engineer Davide Saggioro - who curated sound and mixing. The appreciation that La Ricerca is receiving is also thanks to their valuable work.